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== Machina / 마키나 / マキナ ==
== Machina / 마키나 / マキナ ==
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They have a symbiotic relationship: The Machina are empowered by the M2 Nanomachines within them, whilst the Machina facilitate the reproduction and survival of the M2 Nanomachines. Machina have an overriding desire to spread their M2 Nanomachines to others which results in a sex obsession. This behaviour is good for both the Machina and the M2 Nanomachines as it creates new Machina from humans and also spreads useful traits from one Machina to the others that she has sex with.
They have a symbiotic relationship: The Machina are empowered by the M2 Nanomachines within them, whilst the Machina facilitate the reproduction and survival of the M2 Nanomachines. Machina have an overriding desire to spread their M2 Nanomachines to others which results in a sex obsession. This behaviour is good for both the Machina and the M2 Nanomachines as it creates new Machina from humans and also spreads useful traits from one Machina to the others that she has sex with.

Revision as of 15:50, 23 August 2021


Machina / 마키나 / マキナ


[마키나(Machina)]는 인간이 변이유발 감염성 나노머신인 M2 나노머신 (M2-Machina Metamorphosis Nanomachine)의 감염에 의해서 변이한 기생감염체를 지칭합니다.

M2 나노머신에 감염되어 숙주가 됨으로써 [마키나]화 된 인간은 일반적인 인간보다 능력이 향상됩니다.

M2 나노머신은 이렇게 탄생한 마키나를 통해 새로운 감염체를 재생산 및 전파시킵니다. 마키나는 주로 성행위를 통해 M2나노머신을 전염시키며 인간과 성행위를 하려는 강력한 본능이 생기게 됩니다.

또한 성행위를 통해 인간을 새로운 마키나로 감염시키고, M2 나노머신을 공유함으로서 특정 유전 코드(Gene Code)를 전달하여 전체적인 마키나 생태계를 진화시키게 됩니다.

Machina are the result of humans becoming infected with M2 Nanomachines.

They have a symbiotic relationship: The Machina are empowered by the M2 Nanomachines within them, whilst the Machina facilitate the reproduction and survival of the M2 Nanomachines. Machina have an overriding desire to spread their M2 Nanomachines to others which results in a sex obsession. This behaviour is good for both the Machina and the M2 Nanomachines as it creates new Machina from humans and also spreads useful traits from one Machina to the others that she has sex with. </translate>

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